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Category: Book Review

Money Secrets of the Amish

13 years ago

293 words

 I enjoyed reading Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Cracker. The name of the book could easily be titled “Managing Money for Dummies” but apparently that title was already taken… so the other name had to make do. The book has money tips on most every area of life. The motto that guides the Amish is summed…

Where you end up is determined by where are headed

13 years ago

490 words

I just finished a great book by Andy Stanley. It is called The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and it was a refreshing look at life from the book of Proverbs. Many new Christian books are really just self-help books with some Bible…

A Story of Redemption

13 years ago

402 words

Abby Johnson, a small-town Texas girl, went to college being Pro-life and left a Pro-choice advocate and Planned Parenthood volunteer and counselor. She eventually became a director of a key Planned Parenthood clinic. Her own experience, having two abortions, prompted her change of attitude. Even though she worked with Planned Parenthood she says that Coalition…

Pursuing Relationships with Your Kids! (Part 1 of 2)

14 years ago

731 words

I have done quite a bit of reading lately. It’s not the usual books with big picture and cardboard pages. [Note to self: Hippos Go Berserk is getting worn out, buy new one soon] No, I’ve been reading big boy books and blogs. My latest read is called Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And…

All About The Goodness of God

14 years ago

372 words

I just finished Randy Alcorn’s book The Goodness of God. It is a small but powerful book about having assurance while experiencing suffering. It is not quite same type of book as Lewis’ two books on the subject A Grief Observed& The Problem With Pain. Instead the book gives a pastoral look at suffering, evil,…

Paws & Tales: God Cares for You – Review

14 years ago

336 words

I received this DVD at an excellent time. We had some terrible weather come along and school was canceled for several days. This gave me and my kids some time to catch up on our DVD watching. One of the DVD’s we watched was Paw’s & Tales: God Cares for You. 4 out of 5…

Advent Season

14 years ago

257 words

Shawn Small is a brilliant story teller. In his latest offering, Via Advent, the reader is taken on an adventure surrounding the birth of our Savior. The story of the Advent is told from many different viewpoints. In Via Advent Shawn tells the story of the coming of Immanuel from the perspective of heavenly scribes,…

Doing hard things isn’t so hard…

14 years ago

209 words

Do Hard Things is a book about teens, or any young person for that matter, taking responsibility rather than being a social leech. In a time where adolescence is expected to extend into the late twenties, this book is a needed encouragement to break the pattern. I love the fact that teens are not settling…

Two Questions Raised

14 years ago

389 words

Review of Radical by David Platt 5 out of 5 stars Ask yourself two questions. First, do you believe Jesus? I don’t mean, do you believe in Jesus, or do think Jesus is real? Nor do I mean is Jesus your savior, though I hope he is… No, I mean do you believe what Jesus…

Review of “For Young Men Only” by Feldhahn and Rice

14 years ago

316 words

5 out of 5 stars For Young Men Only is a good book for guys about girls. Here is the description from the book: “Just for guys… the inside scoop on girls from the girls themselves. Okay, the authors aren’t girls. But to bring you the facts they surveyed more than 1,000 of them. Every…