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Category: Book Review

Review of Every Young Man’s Battle by Arterburn, Stoeker, and Yorkey

14 years ago

306 words

4 out of 5 stars Most every young man I have ever worked with in ministry share a few common struggles. Lust is usually at the top of that list. The younger ones come to me for help understanding this temptation and how to control their new-found desire. While many of the older ones come…

Review of Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado

14 years ago

322 words

4 out of 5 stars You are given one life to live. It is absolutely unique to you. How can you live it in such a way that the world will be better because of it? This is the question Max Lucado sets out to answer in his book “Outlive Your Life.” Lucado, in his…

Review of: Becoming Adult by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

14 years ago

381 words

I recently read Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I was interested in this book because I was curious about what it had to say about how teens prepare for adulthood. Being in the business of helping teens make the transition into adulthood, this was an interesting study.…

Review of Truth In Translation by Jason BeDuhn

14 years ago

464 words

2 out of 5 Stars Truth In Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament is a “critical study of Biblical translation, assessing the accuracy of nine English versions of the New Testament in wide use today.” Jason BeDuhn looks at several different English translations of the New Testament and judges for…