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Category: Church

Ephesians pt 2

12 years ago

31 words

I mentioned in my last post that I had the privilege to teach through the first 3 chapters of Ephesians this summer. Here is the second teaching in the series of three. Play in new window | Download | Embed

Ephesians pt 1

12 years ago

69 words

I got to teach through the first half of my favorite book, Ephesians, TWICE this summer. The first time was at Joni & Friends Family Retreat at Mission Springs. The second time was here at Grace Church in the month of July. I had a blast and I hope it was a blessing. In case…

Extreme Church Innovation!

13 years ago

587 words

I was thinking the other day. I know, you’re impressed, so was I. But back to my story. I was thinking about innovation in the church. I was in attendance at the WillowCreek Global Leadership Summit. I was in a near dream state induced by sitting in a dark room listening to people talk about…

The 12 Apostles and the World’s Biggest Ball of Yarn – Mark 3:13-21

13 years ago

90 words

Some passages are hard to understand. The second part of Mark 3:13-21 is hard to understand. The first part of this message is about God choosing people he knows fully. We are never a draft bust for him. The second half is me trying to explain a hard passage about Jesus’ family. Hope you enjoy.…

Who’s in Charge of Your Ministry? Matthew 11:25-27

13 years ago

154 words

Sometimes ministry gets really hard… Rejection can take a toll on you. Jesus had just experienced massive rejection in region of Galilee. He deals with it the best way anyone can… he confirms his perspective. Jesus knows that all things are in the Father’s control. Likewise, it is not up to us how to people…

Responsibility and Condemnation – Matthew 11 & Luke 10

13 years ago

245 words

Jesus talks about how people who don’t want to believe will find any reason to dismiss God… Matthew 11:16-24: 16 “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: 17 “‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and…

The Resurrection

13 years ago

353 words

Last week we didn’t cover the life of Jesus in order. Instead, we celebrated the Resurrection and watched 10 very well-done, short videos concerning popular myths of Jesus’ Resurrection. They are developed by Credo House Ministries. These videos are teasers for a larger video curriculum called The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. It can be…

Thoughts on Sovereignty (part 2)

13 years ago

887 words

I sit here this morning thinking about what I said in my last post. I desperately want to know what God’s will is. I believe I need the details of my life and those I care about. I wouldn’t say I believe that. Unfortunately, that is how I act, so I guess I do believe that.…

Still Celebrating the Resurrection!

14 years ago

287 words

The Christian equivalent of the Super Bowl is now over. Easter is crunch-time for ever church staff member I know. At Grace Church we had a great Easter weekend. Good Friday service reminded us of the death of Jesus as well as the new life because of the large number of baptisms we witnessed. I…

Advent Season

14 years ago

257 words

Shawn Small is a brilliant story teller. In his latest offering, Via Advent, the reader is taken on an adventure surrounding the birth of our Savior. The story of the Advent is told from many different viewpoints. In Via Advent Shawn tells the story of the coming of Immanuel from the perspective of heavenly scribes,…