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13 years ago

353 words

Last week we didn’t cover the life of Jesus in order. Instead, we celebrated the Resurrection and watched 10 very well-done, short videos concerning popular myths of Jesus’ Resurrection. They are developed by Credo House Ministries. These videos are teasers for a larger video curriculum called The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. It can be found by clicking on the title. The following is the what that website says about the DVD series…

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus is exactly what you want, if your desire is either to gain an appreciation for the historical foundation for the Christian faith or learn some of the strong historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Dr. Michael Licona is one of the world’s foremost experts on what one scholar has called “the prize puzzle of New Testament research.”

In this DVD series, you’re getting 101 minutes of some of the latest results of research from Dr. Licona’s 718 page book “The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach,” distilled in a friendly and easy to follow interview format with the most highly respected Christian blogger and founder of The Credo House, Michael Patton.

So, if you’re looking for answers to questions about the most profound historical event in human history, your search has ended.

I don’t get any royalties for the video but really think what Credo House Ministries does is worth supporting. Here are all of the teasers we watched. They are under two minutes each and sum up each point nicely.

Myth #1: Contradictions in the Gospels from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #2: Pagan Parallels in the Mystery Religions from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #3: The Fraud Theory from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #4: Hallucinations from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #5: It’s a Matter of Faith from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #6: Apparent Death Theory from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #7: It Was Merely Legend from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #8: Science Proves that Resurrections Cannot Occur from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #9: Not Enough Evidence from Credo House on Vimeo.

Myth #10: Lost Gospels from Credo House on Vimeo.

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