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A Story of Redemption

14 years ago

402 words

Abby Johnson, a small-town Texas girl, went to college being Pro-life and left a Pro-choice advocate and Planned Parenthood volunteer and counselor. She eventually became a director of a key Planned Parenthood clinic.

Her own experience, having two abortions, prompted her change of attitude. Even though she worked with Planned Parenthood she says that Coalition for Life, a Pro-life group, was an influence in her life. Eventually, she left her job with Planned Parenthood and became a Pro-life advocate.

This DVD is well done and not preachy. The narrator was direct, and ushered the story along. You really get a sense of who the main characters are in life. (Abby’s parents, Abby, Abby’s husband, The Coalition for Life Directors, etc…)

The message of this DVD is clear, Choosing life is viable. They talk at length about 40 Days for Life. That campaign helped change attitudes about Pro-life advocates. The DVD does not condone radical protests that condemns or demonizes Pro-choice advocates.

Abby shares her perspective that drives the Pro-choice advocate. Her motivations were people-oriented and derived from caring for women in need.

There is a book that Abby wrote by the same name.Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line

My favorite aspect of this DVD is that it does not try to dumb down the issue. This is a delicate issue that is emotionally charged and this DVD deals with it gently and truthfully. This is part of a bigger campaign that Tyndale is pushing. There is a webcast on May 17th at 8:00 PM (in all time zones) at and 33% of every purchase of this DVD or book goes to crisis pregnancy centers like Carenet.

I have a free copy of this DVD to give away. So, to the first person who can correctly answer the following question correctly gets the free DVD.

QUESTION: Roe v Wade was the landmark case for abortion. What are the names of the two people the court case is named after?

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Tyndale House Publishers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255vf: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

5 Replies to “A Story of Redemption”

  1. Roe and Wade? I would like my DVD to be in the Nerd genre. Maybe a Lord of the Rings DVD, or Tron or possibly something in a superhero movie.

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