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Tag: Career

Youth Ministry Sellout – pt. 1

11 years ago

1062 words

About six months ago I experienced a big career change. For almost 15 years I worked with the same demographic, teens. I accepted my first job in youth ministry just before my 19th birthday at a small Southern Baptist church in Guymon, OK. It was the blind leading the blind. There weren’t many youth and…

4 Things Playing Sports Taught Me

12 years ago

843 words

I have played sports my whole life. I have had some success, but overall I’m a mediocre athlete (now out of shape) who tries hard. Here are some things I’ve learned that are applicable to my life. Showing up is not enough. Real sports, not t-ball and pre-k soccer, involve winning and losing. Not everyone…

4 Jobs Everyone Should Experience

13 years ago

1012 words

I’ve had my fair share of jobs. I started working as a dishwasher at a small cafe when I was 14. I liked the job. It wasn’t hard, I worked with mostly nice people, I got LOTS to eat, and owner paid me in cash every day. Since then, I have always had at least…

How to REALLY know God’s Plan – Thoughts on Sovereignty (part 3)

13 years ago

680 words

In my last post I said that we are not given the details about God’s plan and faith is more important than knowing every detail. Well, I wasn’t being 100% honest. A few people, very few, do actually get some God-ordained details about God’s will/plan. The problem is that many people claim they get this…

Creativity and Domain

14 years ago

657 words

I am currently reading “Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Creativity talks about creativity in an interesting way by making an effort to understand the mysterious process by which people come up with new ideas. He has gathered information from over 90 successfully creative people from diverse subject areas…

Thankful for a Thankless Job

14 years ago

1308 words

I was talking about jobs with a man the other day. He said he had to work for 22 years in the same industry to finally get the position he had always wanted in that industry. We talked quite a about the privilege of doing what you love as a job/career. My good buddy Josh…