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Category: Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Sellout – pt. 2

12 years ago

1224 words

In my last Youth Ministry Sellout Post I talked about my move out of youth ministry and some new perspectives I have since said sellout. In this post I’m going look back and talk about some successes and failures in youth ministry. To be clear, some of these are mine, some of these I witnessed…

Youth Ministry Sellout – pt. 1

12 years ago

1062 words

About six months ago I experienced a big career change. For almost 15 years I worked with the same demographic, teens. I accepted my first job in youth ministry just before my 19th birthday at a small Southern Baptist church in Guymon, OK. It was the blind leading the blind. There weren’t many youth and…

Effective VS Efficient

12 years ago

364 words

Last week I preached about a topic called Subsidiarity. It really takes root in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. I love the term but it can easily be confused with just trying to make things more efficient. It should not be looked at that way. Instead, it should be seen as a way to make a system…

Pursuing Relationships with Your Kids (2 of 2)

12 years ago

919 words

In my first post I talked at length about ADD and how giving kids with ADD attention is exactly what they needed. This post is going to be a little different. I’m moving the focus off ADD and talking about parents and kids in general. My reason for this is two-fold. First, my experience as…

Mike Carrico Teaches

12 years ago

12 words

Mike Carrico taught this summer and I thought I would share it. Play in new window | Download | Embed

Joni & Friends Family Retreat – Youth STM interviews

12 years ago

97 words

This summer we went to Joni & Friends Family Retreat at Mission Springs. It was a great time. Almost 20 of us loaded up and headed to Santa Cruz to be STM’s (short-term missionaries) It was an incredible time. The audio is from our after-trip interviews with a number of the students. You will hear…

Matthew 12, Luke 11, Mark 3 – Jesus & Beelzebub

12 years ago

25 words

Matthew of 12:22-37, Luke 11:14-28, Mark 3:20-30 Jesus heals a man with 3 disabilities and that leads to a discussion about where Jesus’ power comes from. Play in new window | Download | Embed

Extreme Church Innovation!

13 years ago

587 words

I was thinking the other day. I know, you’re impressed, so was I. But back to my story. I was thinking about innovation in the church. I was in attendance at the WillowCreek Global Leadership Summit. I was in a near dream state induced by sitting in a dark room listening to people talk about…

The 12 Apostles and the World’s Biggest Ball of Yarn – Mark 3:13-21

13 years ago

90 words

Some passages are hard to understand. The second part of Mark 3:13-21 is hard to understand. The first part of this message is about God choosing people he knows fully. We are never a draft bust for him. The second half is me trying to explain a hard passage about Jesus’ family. Hope you enjoy.…

Rest in the Savior Matthew 11:28-30

13 years ago

68 words

Preston teaches on resting in the Savior from Matthew 11:28-30 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 11:29 Takemy yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 11:30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.” from Play in new window | Download | Embed