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Category: Disciple Making

When Ministry Causes Misery pt. 2

11 years ago

565 words

Time doesn’t always make things easier… as time passes, as camp is one day closer to the end, I’m just as heart-wrenched as yesterday. As much as I don’t like it, I’m counting this joy. As I said yesterday, this camp is better off without me at it and I thank God for that fact.…

When Ministry Causes Misery pt. 1

11 years ago

675 words

Tonight I sit here at my house with a heavy heart. My heart is heavy because I’m here and just 180 miles away something great is happening. Near Capitan, NM the first Joni & Friends Family Retreat in New Mexico is happening  and I won’t be there. I want to be there so badly for so many…

Effective VS Efficient

12 years ago

364 words

Last week I preached about a topic called Subsidiarity. It really takes root in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. I love the term but it can easily be confused with just trying to make things more efficient. It should not be looked at that way. Instead, it should be seen as a way to make a system…

Pursuing Relationships with Your Kids (2 of 2)

12 years ago

919 words

In my first post I talked at length about ADD and how giving kids with ADD attention is exactly what they needed. This post is going to be a little different. I’m moving the focus off ADD and talking about parents and kids in general. My reason for this is two-fold. First, my experience as…

Joni & Friends Family Retreat – Youth STM interviews

12 years ago

97 words

This summer we went to Joni & Friends Family Retreat at Mission Springs. It was a great time. Almost 20 of us loaded up and headed to Santa Cruz to be STM’s (short-term missionaries) It was an incredible time. The audio is from our after-trip interviews with a number of the students. You will hear…

Principles of Discipleship & Being a Disciple

13 years ago

4966 words

This is a paper I helped write several years ago. I reread it the other day and though I would share it with you. Enjoy. PRINCIPLES OF DISCIPLESHIP AND BEING A DISCIPLE ___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Mark H. Heinemann Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course CE…

The Call to Care

13 years ago

165 words

Matthew 9:35-38 is a short but powerful passage. It summarizes the first 9 chapters of Matthew and gives a sneak peak into how Jesus’ ministry would continue even past his death and resurrection. Our mission as believers is also contained in this passage. We are continue Jesus’ work of preaching the good news of the…

Why I haven’t been posting much lately

14 years ago

215 words

I haven’t been writing as many blog lately. I have been busy. I have been busy with ministry, but that is not the reason I haven’t been writing. The main reason I haven’t been writing here is because I’ve been writing other places. Specifically, I’ve been publishing online. I have been converting my Master’s Thesis…


14 years ago

597 words

Prayer… a large, complicated, and, at times, an elusive, mysterious topic. Prayer is one of those things that everyone says is VERY important. But in reality most people prefer to “do” something than pray. Why is that? Maybe because we are not good at it? Maybe we do not really know how to pray that…

Two Questions Raised

14 years ago

389 words

Review of Radical by David Platt 5 out of 5 stars Ask yourself two questions. First, do you believe Jesus? I don’t mean, do you believe in Jesus, or do think Jesus is real? Nor do I mean is Jesus your savior, though I hope he is… No, I mean do you believe what Jesus…