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Review of Every Young Man’s Battle by Arterburn, Stoeker, and Yorkey

14 years ago

306 words

4 out of 5 stars

Most every young man I have ever worked with in ministry share a few common struggles. Lust is usually at the top of that list. The younger ones come to me for help understanding this temptation and how to control their new-found desire. While many of the older ones come to me broken and discouraged wondering if they will ever see any victory in this area of life. There have been a number of good books written on the subject, but I have really enjoyed using “Every Young Man’s Battle” in ministry situations.

Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, and Mike Yorkey did a fantastic job with this book. Each of the authors have unique stories that resonate with most every young man who picks up this book. The topic of sexual temptation and sin is examined closely from many angles in this book. “Every Young Man’s Battle” helps young men by making them aware of what dangers are out there, understanding the problems that can result from sexual sin, and showing them how young men can maintain godliness in spite of fleshly desires.

I enjoy taking guys though this book for several reasons. First, the chapters are easy to read. It is hard to get guys to read in the first place, but it helps when the book is easy to read. Second, the advice is solid and it works. Lastly, the authors speak candidly about the subject.

However, caution should be exercised. Because this book does speak candidly about sexual sin and temptation it could result in young men lusting while reading the book. Personally, I did not find this to be the case, but just a note of caution when suggesting this book to a young man. Overall a solid ministry tool that most every young man can benefit from.

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