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Leading service projects – moving beyond

14 years ago

437 words

Last time I wrote about successfully running a service project. Today, I am writing about knowing your limits concerning a service project. Hope you can learn from my experience.

7. Know your limits – Unless you are an expert in the field of your service project bring in an expert. A wise person seeks the counsel of experts. (Proverbs 24:6) An expert will help you know what you can and can’t do with the people you have. Experts also help save you time and money with projects. If you can’t find a volunteer to do a project it is worth your money and credibility to hire one for consultation.

8. Know when you are out of your league – I was fine lining up a couple subcontractors recommended to me by knowledgeable people. I was also ok working with experts who wanted to volunteer their services. (draftsman, architect, etc…) Obtaining framing supplies, getting the foundation poured, and even organizing the framing was within my ability. It was a little stressful, but good nonetheless. Then, I met my arch-nemesis. He is also known as the building inspector. I’m sure our inspector is a nice guy. The problem is me. I don’t know the building inspection process. Commercial building is a different kind of animal. Home inspectors understand that homeowners are into doing stuff on the cheap DIY. Commercial is different. Commercial has much more liability involved and the inspector is that chain of liability. Therefore, a commercial inspector is used to working with people who know what they are doing and do it correctly. That was not me. So, I did the next point…

9. Bow out gracefully – I am happy I was able to take this project as far as I did. But you can bet your bottom dollar I was excited beyond belief when an experienced commercial general contractor offered to take over the project. So, I let it all go. It is his now, and I’m glad it is. I gave him all the information I had worked on up til then with the understanding that he could change anything he wanted. I moved from manager to worker. I now work for and with Lyle as he leads this project. He is going to do his thang in his area of expertise.

10. Look for the next way to serve – A completed project is great, but don’t rest on your accomplishments. Instead, look for the next way you can build involvement and do some good with service projects.

Life is full of opportunities. Know when to take, let it go, and go looking for another one.

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