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Tag: ministry

When Ministry Causes Misery pt. 2

11 years ago

565 words

Time doesn’t always make things easier… as time passes, as camp is one day closer to the end, I’m just as heart-wrenched as yesterday. As much as I don’t like it, I’m counting this joy. As I said yesterday, this camp is better off without me at it and I thank God for that fact.…

When Ministry Causes Misery pt. 1

11 years ago

675 words

Tonight I sit here at my house with a heavy heart. My heart is heavy because I’m here and just 180 miles away something great is happening. Near Capitan, NM the first Joni & Friends Family Retreat in New Mexico is happening  and I won’t be there. I want to be there so badly for so many…

How to run a successful service project

14 years ago

774 words

I can write this blog because of all the mistakes I’ve made running service projects. I have managed quite a few service projects in my 13 years of ministry. Not all of them have been stellar. In fact, a number of them were hugely unsuccessful. Some have been okay. And few of them have been…