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Tag: Bible

1 Corinthians 9 Argument

8 years ago

649 words

I’ve been looking at 1 Corinthians 9 lately for some personal research and I found this in my old files… it was from my time at seminary. I thought it was worthwhile to post, maybe someone will benefit from it. Introduction This letter was written by Paul to the believers at Corinth to deal with…

Matthew 12, Luke 11, Mark 3 – Jesus & Beelzebub

12 years ago

25 words

Matthew of 12:22-37, Luke 11:14-28, Mark 3:20-30 Jesus heals a man with 3 disabilities and that leads to a discussion about where Jesus’ power comes from. Play in new window | Download | Embed

Responsibility and Condemnation – Matthew 11 & Luke 10

12 years ago

245 words

Jesus talks about how people who don’t want to believe will find any reason to dismiss God… Matthew 11:16-24: 16 “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: 17 “‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and…

Don’t Be a Baby Matthew 11:1-6

12 years ago

110 words

Even John the Baptist questioned Jesus’ plan as the Messiah. After he had heard the voice of God and seen the Spirit come on Jesus like a dove (whatever that means) he still questioned the plan when it didn’t fit his expectations. Sometimes we throw a fit when we don’t get our way. We act…

The Call to Care

12 years ago

165 words

Matthew 9:35-38 is a short but powerful passage. It summarizes the first 9 chapters of Matthew and gives a sneak peak into how Jesus’ ministry would continue even past his death and resurrection. Our mission as believers is also contained in this passage. We are continue Jesus’ work of preaching the good news of the…

Money Secrets of the Amish

13 years ago

293 words

 I enjoyed reading Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Cracker. The name of the book could easily be titled “Managing Money for Dummies” but apparently that title was already taken… so the other name had to make do. The book has money tips on most every area of life. The motto that guides the Amish is summed…

Satan?! A biblical timeline… not so much

14 years ago

471 words

I’m posting the answers to some questions I received a while back… Hope you enjoy. If you have any questions you think I could answer please let me know The question I received was, “Was Satan kicked out of Heaven before God created the earth?” First, let me say that there is very little systematized…