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Category: Creativity

A Better Way to Pack Is A Better Way to Live

10 years ago

914 words

I really enjoy self improvement. I have one of those personalities that thrives on outside goals to motivate me to be better. Just left to my own motivation, things get pretty bad. I know that, I own that, so when I lack motivation I begin looking for that thing that will provide motivation for me.…

Extreme Church Innovation!

13 years ago

587 words

I was thinking the other day. I know, you’re impressed, so was I. But back to my story. I was thinking about innovation in the church. I was in attendance at the WillowCreek Global Leadership Summit. I was in a near dream state induced by sitting in a dark room listening to people talk about…

Why I haven’t been posting much lately

14 years ago

215 words

I haven’t been writing as many blog lately. I have been busy. I have been busy with ministry, but that is not the reason I haven’t been writing. The main reason I haven’t been writing here is because I’ve been writing other places. Specifically, I’ve been publishing online. I have been converting my Master’s Thesis…

Problem Focused vs Solution Focused, Which Are You?

14 years ago

1201 words

I’m pretty excited about attending the “Youth Ministry UnConference” in December at Irving Bible Church. The goal of the un-conference is to: “come together to pray for the youth of the world, and dream about how God might use us to help them know Him more deeply.” It is being hosted by a number of…