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TRX Suspension Trainer – Review

13 years ago

460 words

The TRX Suspension Trainer is a pretty great piece of exercise equipment. 9 months ago I started working out at Southwest Sports Institute here in Albuquerque. When I walked into the gym I saw a few pieces of the standard fitness equipment. There were some treadmills and other aerobic trainers, a smith machine, a squat rack, a bench, and some free weights.  But that was about it. After a small area of typical gym equipment, there is sprawling turf and quite a few non-traditional workout contraptions. There are a row of 10 TRX’s attached to a long pipe about 8 feet off the ground. My trainer, Nathanael, introduced me to the TRX and it quickly became a Love/Hate relationship. I hate the punishment of the TRX but I love the results.

The TRX is an extremely versatile piece of equipment. With it you can train your whole body. It mounts simply to any high point. I have never tried it but I have read it can be mounted to a closed door or the ceiling with an additional mount. The construction is sturdy. The TRX can handle my 270 lbs. with no problem. There is very little flexing even supporting my whole weight. The foam handles are comfortable and the foot straps are big enough to fit my size 13’s easily. The best thing about the TRX is that you can work virtually any part of your body. I say virtually because I’m sure there is some part of your body you cannot work properly, but I haven’t discovered it yet, and I’m not sure I want to. Everything is adjustable so you are using equipment custom fit for your size. You can work any part of your body and in most cases you can work out a single side. There are hundreds of exercises you can do on the TRX and many variations on each exercise.

The TRX is portable and compact. You can take it anywhere because it is lightweight and doesn’t take up much space. It replaces a whole rack of weights because you are lifting your body weight, which is adjustable based on the position of your body. If your body weight becomes too light then you can do each exercise single-handed/footed/etc.

There are hundreds of videos on demonstrating how to use the TRX in a variety of situations. Whether you are trying to build a better workout in a hotel room, build a complete home-gym, or add some variation to your workout routine you can do it with a TRX and some youtube videos.

I have seen good results working with the TRX at SWSI. I recommend the TRX to anyone looking to get a good workout. Here is a video about the TRX

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